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Web scrapers, robots.txt, and user-agent

Hello again,

Logo Location Detection Unstable Output

Giving the same input files to the API via https://api.thehive.ai/api/v2/task/sync, the results came back sometime with label but sometimes without label. Missing label from 'classes'. Please help!

Image copyright detection

Hi, we are interested in an image copyright detector. We've seen your Copyright search but it is only oriented to movies and video, isn't it? Do you have the same but for images? If so we're also interested in your API pricing.

Reporting + alerting

Hi, is that possible to have data reporting like each month or the data are only available from the dashboard ?

image upload API failing

Dear people,


Where i can find monitoring from hive API ?

How to setup a project?

Hello, I am struggling to create and set up a project in the dashboard.
I have created a project. In the first step "settings" under the general tab, I have filled all the required fields. Then I moved to the classes tab. I have added two classes and when I click save, I am receiving "2 label groups approve / reject should be present" message. What should I do?

is there any way to generate a auth token to use it in web application?

As per your API reference manual, we have to use an API key to authenticate a request. If we call your API from our backend server, there will be no issue. But if we want to use it from a client app (web/mobile applications), there is will be a security issue.