Hive's AI-Generated Text Detection API takes a passage of text and determines whether or not that text is AI-generated. The model has one head. This head gives one ai_generated classification for all text inputs. The accompanying confidence score, which ranges from 0.0 - 1.0, indicates whether or not the text is predicted to be AI-generated.

Upon receiving a text input, this model breaks that text down into chunks of 2048 characters each. It then makes a classification for each chunk (AI-generated or human-written). The model response includes the classification for each of these smaller chunks as well as one overarching classification for the text input as a whole. In short, the output contains:

  • Aggregate classification - a classification and accompanying confidence score for the entire input text
  • Segment classifications - classifications and confidence scores for each segment (2048 characters) of text, includes the start and end indices of the segment
         "text":"The Solar System: An Exploration of Our Celestial Neighborhood\nThe solar system is a vast and fascinating place, filled with a diverse array of celestial bodies that have captivated humanity for thousands of years. From the bright and burning sun to the distant and mysterious outer planets, the solar system is a source of endless wonder and discovery.\nAt the center of the solar system is the sun, a massive and powerful star that provides the energy that sustains all life on Earth. The sun is surrounded by a family of planets that orbit in elliptical paths, each with their own unique characteristics. The innermost planets, Mercury, Venus, and Earth, are called the terrestrial planets because they are composed primarily of rock and metal. Mars, the fourth planet, is also a terrestrial planet but is known as the Red Planet because of its reddish appearance caused by iron oxide on its surface.\nBeyond the terrestrial planets lies the asteroid belt, a region of the solar system filled with millions of small, rocky bodies. The asteroid belt is thought to be the remnants of a planet that never formed due to gravitational disruptions caused by Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system. Jupiter is a gas giant, along with Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, known for its massive size and the Great Red Spot, a gigantic storm that has raged on its surface for centuries.\nBeyond the gas giants lies the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud, regions of the solar system filled with icy bodies such as comets and dwarf planets. Pluto, once considered a planet, is now classified as a dwarf planet and is located in the Kuiper Belt. These outer regions of the solar system are thought to hold clues about the early formation and evolution of the solar system.\nThe study of the solar system is not only important for understanding our place in the universe but also for the practical applications it provides. The exploration of the solar system has led to advancements in technology, such as the development of space-based telescopes, and the study of other planets can aid in understanding the potential for life on other celestial bodies.\nIn conclusion, the solar system is a complex and diverse place, filled with a wide range of celestial bodies, each with their own unique characteristics and mysteries. The study and exploration of the solar system not only satisfies our innate curiosity but also provides valuable insights and practical applications. As we continue to explore and learn more about our celestial neighborhood, the solar system will continue to amaze and inspire us."