Rate Limits

Every project has some rate limit defining how quickly you can submits API requests. This is configured per project, and you can reach out to your account manager to understand or increase this rate limit.

When you are past the rate limit, your API requests will get a HTTP 429 response.

{ return_code: 429, message: 'Project has been rate limited' }

When this happens, please slow down and submit at a slower rate.

Content Moderation

Content moderation is enabled by default on all of our image generation models. When a request is made to our image generation models, it gets passed through two moderation filters. First, the prompt is run through our text moderation model. If the prompt gets flagged, image generation will not occur. If the prompt does not get flagged, the resulting generated images are run through our visual classification model.

If the image generated does not meet our guidelines for text or visual moderation, the task will not be charged, and the following message will be returned.

 { "return_code": 451, "message": "Images did not pass moderation filters.” }

Other Error Codes

Task responses will provide an error_code field. This field will give some more description as to what happened with the task.

Error CodeError NameDetails
1000GENERIC_ERRORdefault error code
2000DOWNLOAD_ERRORdefault error code while downloading a file
2100HTTP_ERRORUsually incorrectly formatted url, expired signed url, or rate limiting by download server.

Can usually be resolved with resubmitting, or re-hosting or resolving download server issues then resubmitting.

This applies to most 21XX HTTP errors below
3000CLASSIFIER_ERRORUsually infrequent. These are internal Hive errors that aren’t recommended to be fixed with resubmitting. Contact [email protected] if this happens frequently.

This applies to other errors in 3XXX and 4XXX category.
3401CLASSIFIER_ERROR_TIMEOUTClassifier was not able to respond in time.Please try again later.
3500CLASSIFIER_ERROR_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLEService temporarily overloaded or otherwise unavailable. Please try again later.
3501CLASSIFIER_ERROR_RATE_LIMITService is getting rate limited. Please slow down or try again later.
4100PROJECT_SUBTASK_FRAME_ERRORThese are internal Hive errors that aren’t recommended to be fixed with resubmitting. Contact [email protected] if this happens frequently.
5000VIDEO_PROCESSING_ERRORFFMPEG related media processor error. This may be fixed by transcoding and resubmitting the media.
5100VIDEO_SPLIT_ERRORError while splitting video.
Can try transcoding and resubmitting, usually indicative of corrupt metadata with respect to number of available frames.
5101SEGMENT_SPLIT_ERRORError while attempting to split audio
6000INVALID_FILE_ERRORGeneral bad file error. This may be fixed from transcoding and resubmitting the media.
6201INVALID_FILE_ERROR_INVALID_WIDTHOnly applicable for APIs with max width constraint.
6202INVALID_FILE_ERROR_INVALID_HEIGHTOnly applicable for APIs with max height constraint.
6400INVALID_FILE_ERROR_INVALID_FILESIZEOnly applicable for APIs with max file size constraint.
6500INVALID_FILE_ERROR_INVALID_DURATIONShorten or fix file duration metadata and resubmit.
6600INVALID_FILE_ERROR_INVALID_FPSTranscode with corrected FPS metadata
6700INVALID_FILE_ERROR_MISSING_AUDIO_STREAMCan try transcoding and resubmitting with corrected audio stream.
6800INVALID_FILE_ERROR_CLIENT_LOADING_FAILUREFor human-in-the-loop jobs using manual data labeling, the task could not be loaded on the client. Try using a browser friendly media format.


  "id": "2605bbb0-55df-11eb-ab65-19b762122597",
  "project_id": 273259,
  "metadata": null,
  "error": "FileError: Unsupported File: video/x-flv is not supported",
  "error_code": 6100,
  "resent_on": "2021-01-13T20:38:09.760Z",
  "id": "c24af4e0-54b8-11eb-aad3-b9cbe32a1430",
  "project_id": 273259,
  "metadata": null,
  "error": "HttpConnectionError: Unable to access URL ECONNREFUSED | https:/invalid.url.example.com/",
  "error_code": 2203,
  "resent_on": "2021-01-13T20:46:54.710Z",