Visual detection models localize an object of interest in an image by returning a box that bounds that object, as well as the type of that object, also referred to as the class. A detector can detect multiple images of different classes per image. For each detection, a detector outputs a confidence score that is independent of any other detections.

The output object in Hive detection APIs lists each detected object, including:

  • The geometric description of the detected bounding box.
  • The predicted class for the detection.
  • For some model’s, the confidence score for the detection.

Hive's detector models include the logo detection model and common object detection model.

  "output": [
      "time": 0,
      "bounding_poly": [
          "vertices": [
              "x": 257.5439780950546,
              "y": 155.76384043693542
              "x": 288.42563331127167,
              "y": 155.76384043693542
              "x": 288.42563331127167,
              "y": 197.2337465286255
              "x": 257.5439780950546,
              "y": 197.2337465286255
          "dimensions": {
            "top": 155.76384043693542,
            "bottom": 197.2337465286255,
            "left": 257.5439780950546,
            "right": 288.42563331127167
          "classes": [
              "class": "orange",
              "score": 0.586775541305542,
              "label": "orange"
          "meta": {
            "score": 0.586775541305542,
            "type": "coco"
timeTimestamp in seconds of the frame extracted from original media. Always 0 for images.
bounding_polyList containing all detections.
verticesFour coordinates representing the detected bounding box. Starts at the top-left of the box and lists remaining vertices in clockwise order.
dimensionsFour sides representing the detected bounding box.

top: y-dimension of the top side.
bottom: y-dimension of the bottom side.
right: x-dimension of the right side.
left: x-dimension of the left side.
classes: classPredicted class
classes: scoreConfidence score for the detection.

Note that vertices and dimensions are expressed in the standard image processing coordinate system: