Onboarding Amazon IAM Identity Center SAML with Hive

A guide to setting up an Amazon IAM Identity Center SAML 2.0 application to integrate SSO with Hive

Thank you for choosing Hive! This is a guide to setting up a Security Assertion Markup Language 2.0 (SAML 2.0) application on Amazon IAM Identity Center to provide your employees with Single Sign-On (SSO) capabilities for Hive. This is intended for employees with admin-level permissions on your company's Amazon IAM Identity Center organization tasked with managing employees' access to Hive.

Creating the Amazon IAM Identity Center Application

To get started setting up a SAML integration on Amazon IAM Identity Center with Hive:

  1. Login to the AWS console.

  2. Type IAM Identity Center into the AWS console search bar.

  3. Click Enable.

    1. There are two types of IAM Identity Center instances: 1) Organization Instances and 2) Account Instances. If you have the option of picking one type, make sure to select Organization Instance.
    2. Depending on your AWS account, you may not see this option. Please refer to this official AWS guide to make sure an Organization Instance of IAM Identity Center is created.
  4. On the left sidebar under Application assignments, click Applications

  5. On the top right corner of the screen, click Add application

  6. Select I have an application I want to set up. The window should expand, allowing you to pick an Application type. Select SAML 2.0 and click Next.

  7. You should be redirected to a Configure Application screen. Here, you can adjust multiple attributes of the new application. Feel free to configure and change settings according your needs. The attributes you're required to set for successful integration with Hive are listed here:

    1. All required attributes are listed under the Application metadata section. Make sure Manually type your metadata values is selected.

      1. Application ACS URL
        Please input https://portal-customer-api.thehive.ai/sso/saml/acs.

      2. Application SAML Audience
        Please input hive.

  8. Click Submit.

This completes the setup needed on Amazon IAM Identity Center for integration with Hive. However, Hive requires some additional information before SSO is fully configured.

Completing Integration with Hive

The SAML metadata file URL is the last piece of information needed by Hive to complete SSO integration. Here are the steps to find this:

  1. On the IAM Identity Center home screen, navigate to the Applications tab. Under the Customer Managed tab, find and click on your newly-created application.

  2. Under the Actions dropdown menu, click Edit configuration.

  3. Under the IAM Identity Center metadata section, there is one line called IAM Identity Center SAML metadata file. Use the button next to the link to copy the link to your clipboard.

Send the IAM Identity Center SAML metadata file link to your Hive representative. Shortly afterward, SSO with Hive will be fully set up.