Intellectual Property Detection
Hive’s Intellectual Property and Publicity Detection suite is purpose-built to empower our customers to protect their own IP or proactively monitor digital platforms for the potential misuse of others’ IP. It consists of three complementary APIs: Media Search, Celebrity Recognition, and Likeness Detection.
Hive’s Media Search API identifies copies and variants of 3rd party IP with a comprehensive search index containing hundreds of thousands of hours of movies, TV shows, and broadcasts. For each query, the model returns any matches along with corresponding similarity scores. The response also includes valuable metadata such as IMDB ID, content type (movie or TV show), title, relevant timestamps, and season and episode numbers.
Our Celebrity Recognition API detects the presence of well-known figures in images. It's powered by our face detection and face similarity models and a curated and constantly updated Custom Search Index. Given an input image, Hive detects all faces present and returns a bounding box and a match for each, as well as a confidence score.
The Likeness Detection model classifies an entire image based on the presence of the most popular characters and artworks. It's powered by a classification model, with each class representing one character of piece of art and returning a confidence score between 0 and 1.
Updated 6 months ago