Onboarding PingOne SAML with Hive
A guide to setting up a PingOne SAML application to integrate SSO with Hive
Thank you for choosing Hive! This is a guide to setting up a Security Assertion Markup Language 2.0 (SAML 2.0) application on PingOne to provide your employees with Single Sign-On (SSO) capabilities for Hive. This is intended for employees with admin-level permissions on your company's PingOne Organization. If your company uses PingOne for Enterprise or a different PingIdentity solution, please contact us at [email protected] for onboarding assistance.
Setting Up Your PingOne Environment
To get started setting up a SAML integration on PingOne with Hive:
Login to your company's PingOne organization dashboard.
If you do not already have an existing PingOne environment, please complete the following steps.
Under PingOne's Environments home page, click the Plus icon to create a new environment.
Select Build your own solution and select PingOne SSO before clicking Next.
Under Select how you want to deploy your services, please name your environment. Feel free to configure and change other settings according to your needs. Click Finish. You should be redirected back to the Environments home page with your newly created environment listed.
Click the desired PingOne environment to create the Hive Application under. This will be the environment created in step 2 or an existing environment you wish to use. Then click Manage Environment.
If PingOne SSO has not been added as a service to your environment, please complete the following steps. (This is not applicable to people who completed step 2)
Click the Plus icon under the Services section
Click the Add button for PingOne SSO and click Finish to add PingOne SSO as a new service to this environment.
Creating the PingOne Application
After setting up your new or existing PingOne environment with PingOne SSO capabilities, follow these steps to create an OIDC integration with Hive on PingOne:
Click the Applications tab on the left sidebar.
Click the Plus icon next to Applications to create a new application. A new window should slide in from the right. Fill in an appropriate Application Name and select the application type as SAML Application before clicking Configure
Under the SAML Configuration window, select the Manually Enter radio button and fill in the following information:
Please inputhttps://portal-customer-api.thehive.ai/sso/saml/acs
. -
Entity ID
Please inputhive
Click Save. Your new application should appear in the applications list. Feel free to configure and change application settings according to your needs. However, all default values provided should work.
This completes the setup needed on PingOne for integration with Hive. However, Hive requires some additional information before SSO is fully configured.
Completing Integration with Hive
The IDP Metadata URL is the last piece of information Hive needs to complete SSO integration. This can be found under the Overview tab and the Connection Details section of your application overview.

To copy the IDP Metadata URL to your clipboard, click the adjacent icon. Send the URL to your Hive representative. Shortly afterward, SSO with Hive will be fully set up.
Updated 5 days ago